January 10, 2013

  • More Driving Thoughts

    Since arriving here in September, I came to the conclusion that MA drivers, while aggressive, also tend to drive well. A LOT less nutjobs than NJ…until yesterday.

    Desi and I were in Peabody. I was at a light, and right next to one of those very LARGE pick up trucks. (You know the kind…Extended cab, sits high—and way too shiny to have any practical purpose. This wasn’t a tradesman…just an asshole who was compensating…) The way the road is laid out, you needed to be in the right lane to make a turn—but I was in the left. So I gunned it when the light changed, turned on my signal…and discovered that the dude in the truck was PISSED OFF. He sped up to cut me off. Not nice. Not Friendly…but I still got there first.


    That really frosted his cookies.

    At the next light, I was in the right lane…the left was wide open for fast traffic. He sped up, and got in my lane…and jammed on his breaks.

    I swerved…no damage. Yes asshole, I get it. Your pride was offended.

    But he did this three times in a mile.

    It occurred to me he was doing road rage…and I was actually getting scared of what the lunatic would do next. He finally made a left at the Walmart.

    So let me get this straight…Mr. My Truck Is Actually My PENIS had to pull that sort of crap…because he thought I slowed him down on his way to freaking WALMART? I’ve been injured in accidents as a result of inattention—but he set himself up TWICE to be in front of me so he could FLOOR his brakes. The rules say if you rear end someone, you’re at fault. But this joker would have caused it…and why? Jesus…grow a sack. Flip me off, and get to the damned blue light special…but don’t hurt people because you have anger issues.



Comments (6)

  • Geeze what a jerk!  And I think you’re right: he’s overcompensating for his smallness in more ways than one.

  • Wow. I’ve seen some asshole drivers here but not like that. Maybe he was transplanted from Jersey?

    I actually saw a TV show once where they said the worst drivers were from Mass. I was surprised nobody surveyed said Jersey.

  • @leaflesstree - To be fair, that was the first truly flaming asshole I encountered since September…in NJ it was a DAILY event. The bigger the truck, the larger the Jerk….

  • Wow that is just crazy he needs to have his butt kicked or something…road rage is just uncalled for

  • @SisterMae - Seriously…five minutes later, it started to rain slightly…the same behavior could have hurt someone badly.

  • Jerk. I hate those truck commercials. Always a guy with a southern accent. I mimic them….”If you’ve got a big job, you need a big truck. Dodge Ram. It’s big. And it’s a truck.” 

    Well-earned or not NJ drivers have a reputation of being the worst. 

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