February 7, 2013

  • Christie, Size, And Gender Issues

    If you’ve ever heard of NJ’s governor,you probably noticed that he’s…well…kind of big.

    No, I don’t mean his ego—though clearly they need a chopper to carry THAT around too. And no, this isn’t a “hate piece” about his weight. I just find myself wondering why it’s ok for a man who had admitted to being 550 pounds to be elected to a major position in government, when women as little as 50 pounds overweight are being fat shamed.

    When it comes to size, we have a gender problem.

    When he was first running, I found myself asking if they would have run a woman for governor who was even HALF his size…and while there are a few hefty women in politics, local or national not a SINGLE one is near Christie’s bulk. I’m taking a bet that they are not within 200 pounds of him…and The question I must ask is why?

    Because fat shaming is overwhelmingly directed at women. No…I’m not saying people don’t make fun of the man. But he made it to GOVERNOR. They actually offered him as an option. He was not shunted to some dark dank corner, so no one would have to look at him. Sure…he’s large…but people did not doubt his ability to run an entire state…they even considered him for President, and vice president. But a woman of even 300 pounds? GOD FORBID. You shameful pig! Obviously you aren’t able to do anything but eat. We let people not hire them—and cite “health issues”. Well that cuts both ways. If a woman can be denied a job for being overweight, that same standard should apply to men.

    But somehow…it doesn’t…as demonstrated by CC. I’ve read of case after case where companies and corporations got away with either firing, or not hiring people who didn’t meet their standard for “corporate appearance”. Usually, it’s women who get caught in it. The other day, a doctor speculated out loud that there was an excellent chance that Christie could die in office…based on his weight. UPROAR. The remarks are stunning. Some suggest she violated his HIPPA rights. Ummmm….no. She did not steal his medical records…nor did she quote from them. She merely made an observation….one most of the late night hosts have been commenting on for years. (And before you go there, I remind you that despite the jokes, he was STILL elected. A woman would have NEVER been considered.)

    And I am not doubting that this IS a health issue too…I’m just wondering what gives us the right to loathe and dismiss overweight women, while accepting men to the point of allowing them to LEAD us, even when they are WAY beyond morbidly obese.

    I had the chance to meet Deborah Allen, when I was advocating for kids in Trenton…a smart, dynamic lady, with years in the State House. I remember when she was a “talking head’ on Philadelphia TV news…and then they canned her over her appearance. That led to a law suit…which she won. When I met her, she was by my guess about a size 20—and in her late 50′s. She’s smart…she speaks well. She’s damned impressive, even if I am not 100 percent with her on EVERY issue. And I wondered that day why SHE wasn’t being run. We’d had a female Governor before…so why was she less desirable as a candidate than Christie…who had ZERO state house experience?

    Oh yeah…he’s a GUY.

    I am just amazed how often we manage to ignore the obvious…




Comments (7)

  • Until Beyonce is not representative of a powerful woman and role model (gag me), nothing will change in our society.

  • Why I am so glad when big girls like Queen Latifa and Melissa McCarty gets center stage. :) I was really Angry when I heard someone talk about the first lady and her big horses rear!  Why is always a womans size part of her flaws? I wonder if it is because of  the history and we being property to use in deals to sell to the highest bidder in family businesses. It is why Virginity was so important. Other wise they couldn’t make a profitable match. JUNK!

    Being a big girl all my life I had to work harder than my skinny coworkers to get approval. :( Just not fair.

  • It holds true in every aspect – entertainment – look what Oprah – who’s worth a fortune has gone through – Kirstie alley, Roseanne Barr…  It’s (quite regrettably and unfortunately a sad commentary on our societal perspective…  Great post!

  • I’ve never even considered his weight. He can be an ASS and BRASH and RUDE at times…yes. But when his people needed him, he was there. Fat or thin, it takes a real man to do everything it takes to keep others safe. 

  • @PhoenixFighting - Sorry…on this we will disagree.
    I just recently left NJ…where I watched my taxes (both property and income) rise on the state level since The “rock star” took office. He ignores those with incomes under 500K…and for that I cannot forgive him. NJ is a hard state for the middle class, and under. He’s also doing his level best to destroy COAH in NJ…the Coalition for Affordable Housing? And of course, he’s done everything in his power to PREVENT medicinal marijuana from being implemented in NJ…despite the fact that it is legal.

    So…not impressed.

  • @galadrial - I am only your neighbor to the north, so his policies have not affected me personally. I do understand the property taxes skyrocketing part–things are so bad here due to local circumstances that my mother and I are both working several jobs just to stay put for a little while longer…we can’t leave yet. Neither of us has the money. My point was only to say that during Sandy, CC got what needed to get done accomplished…unlike Cuomo. Sorry if it sounded like I was singing his praises–I normally think he’s a pompous ass. ;)

  • You nailed it,..hon!!

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