February 20, 2013

  • Quiz Time

    I occasionally feel compelled to answer an idiot.

    (call it a nervous tic)

    In an article about a Fox News talking head, who INSISTED that “rape doesn’t really happen in colleges”, I noticed a reply from a young guy who IDENTIFIED himself as a “christian”. (So let’s be clear…not “christian bashing”.) He said he avoided the “sort” of situations where things could get out of hand…and that if girls did too, “rape would not happen.”.


    He also identified himself as a college student. So I decided I will actually OUTLINE what was wrong with his casual (and damned stupid) post.

    First and foremost, clearly our “educated” young prince is a bit vague on the meaning of the word ” rape. “



    the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

    any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
    NOW NOTE…NO WHERE is consent mentioned…so what sort of amoral IDIOT assumes that a rape victim had a choice in the matter? The language
    “let things get out of hand” implies guilt, blame, and responsibility on the part of the VICTIM, not the rapist.
    He also suggested that he is exercising “self control” himself. That suggests rather strongly that he either confuses consensual sex with rape—or is in fact restraining himself from actually raping women. If that is the case, he needs therapy, not Jesus.
    Happily, i think he is simply an awfully ignorant, opinionated little shit, who thinks possession of a key board and an internet connection  makes him some sort of “special person”. And if I were Jesus, I would need to bitch slap him badly…simply for including “as a Christian” in his hateful comment.
    Junior…here’s what’s wrong with what you wrote.
    1. You imply that good women (Christians) will never be raped. I’m sure that will be an unpleasant surprise to those who HAVE been. If you have a mother, a sister, and two aunts, the stats say one of them WILL be raped in her lifetime. I presume if that happens, you will be staunch in your belief that it “couldn’t happen”, and inform that they MUST have been BAD CHRISTIANS.
    2. If you ever marry, and your wife knows your opinions, she will NEVER be able to tell you if she is raped. Ditto any daughters you may have.
    3. Sorry to have to tell you this, but nuns get raped. So do Virgins. Anyone female is at risk…and sometimes even MEN are raped.
    4. If you think you are a “good man”, I suggest some MAJOR introspection is in order. You are a nasty creature. And you are trying to hide behind your religion.
    Now …the quiz portion.
    1. What is rape?
    2. What part of rape involves “consent”?
    3. Doesn’t saying something “got out of hand” suggest that the situation was “in control” at some point?
    4. What part of “NO” strikes you as vague?
    Some CHRISTIAN….Your savior is ashamed of you…and rightly so.

Comments (9)

  • That person’s comments are totally ignorant. Totally. One in 6 women in the US will be a rape victim, if they are on a college campus it goes UP to one in 4. Go worldwide, it’s one in 3.

    People with that attitude are ignorant of the reality.

  • The mindset of many in this country is mind-boggling. I don’t know which of his claims is more damaging to decency but if I had to choose one it might be placing blame on the victim. What’s a woman to do…lock herself in her dorm room and never come out? Even then there’s no guarantee she’ll be safe. 

  • wow. fucking people. i don’t care what a woman is doing anytime she NEVER deserves to be raped even if they “let things get out of hand.” speaking of hand, it is talk like that which will probably help to ensure a lifelong relationship with his own hand.

  • honestly those who leave ignorant, virulent comments need reminding of such things as compassion and education

    god help women from men (and unfortunately, other women) like that

  • @heckels - I’m pretty sure good Christians aren’t allowed to do that, either

  • He must have thought by giving a vague answer he is good. But this seem to be the issue on many other topics. Most of the “Christians” think by avoiding the truth they can get away. 

  • Where are all of these rape victims, going around assuring “good Christians” that the rape was their own fault? In the absence of such people, that opinion is formed by people who have never been raped and don’t understand what rape is, and what it isn’t.

  • There are a lot of rape crisis boards and escort service for women to get back to their places safely but still a lot of women fall through the cracks and get raped.

    A lot of colleges do try to hide the rape statistics. Would you believe there is a list of colleges and universities that have high rape rates?

    Let’s concentrate on the issue of rape at Christian based universities and colleges. What is the rape statistics at say Notre Dame?

  • Notre Dame just came in the spotlight and here is a quote:
    “I’m afraid we do have a deeper problem, not just in the prevalence of
    these attacks but in the response of otherwise upright people, which to a
    disappointing degree is: that can’t be right, I don’t want to hear it,
    putting my fingers in my ears now, lalalalala, and of course, blame the
    victim. ND’s various responses are: nothing happened, she lied, she
    wanted it, and what she alleged isn’t that bad. All of which cannot be
    true. “

    Basically a major “Christian” University is covering up a rape.

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