Month: February 2013

  • And About those “Welfare Queens” Living Large?



    It’s ironic that a humor site can so completely nail an issue.

    This for those prim a donas who roam Xanga,  cursing out working poor, and other “leeches”.

    Sorry if it shoots a hole in your rhetoric…oh wait. I’m not.

  • Quiz Time

    I occasionally feel compelled to answer an idiot.

    (call it a nervous tic)

    In an article about a Fox News talking head, who INSISTED that “rape doesn’t really happen in colleges”, I noticed a reply from a young guy who IDENTIFIED himself as a “christian”. (So let’s be clear…not “christian bashing”.) He said he avoided the “sort” of situations where things could get out of hand…and that if girls did too, “rape would not happen.”.


    He also identified himself as a college student. So I decided I will actually OUTLINE what was wrong with his casual (and damned stupid) post.

    First and foremost, clearly our “educated” young prince is a bit vague on the meaning of the word ” rape. “



    the unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.

    any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
    NOW NOTE…NO WHERE is consent mentioned…so what sort of amoral IDIOT assumes that a rape victim had a choice in the matter? The language
    “let things get out of hand” implies guilt, blame, and responsibility on the part of the VICTIM, not the rapist.
    He also suggested that he is exercising “self control” himself. That suggests rather strongly that he either confuses consensual sex with rape—or is in fact restraining himself from actually raping women. If that is the case, he needs therapy, not Jesus.
    Happily, i think he is simply an awfully ignorant, opinionated little shit, who thinks possession of a key board and an internet connection  makes him some sort of “special person”. And if I were Jesus, I would need to bitch slap him badly…simply for including “as a Christian” in his hateful comment.
    Junior…here’s what’s wrong with what you wrote.
    1. You imply that good women (Christians) will never be raped. I’m sure that will be an unpleasant surprise to those who HAVE been. If you have a mother, a sister, and two aunts, the stats say one of them WILL be raped in her lifetime. I presume if that happens, you will be staunch in your belief that it “couldn’t happen”, and inform that they MUST have been BAD CHRISTIANS.
    2. If you ever marry, and your wife knows your opinions, she will NEVER be able to tell you if she is raped. Ditto any daughters you may have.
    3. Sorry to have to tell you this, but nuns get raped. So do Virgins. Anyone female is at risk…and sometimes even MEN are raped.
    4. If you think you are a “good man”, I suggest some MAJOR introspection is in order. You are a nasty creature. And you are trying to hide behind your religion.
    Now …the quiz portion.
    1. What is rape?
    2. What part of rape involves “consent”?
    3. Doesn’t saying something “got out of hand” suggest that the situation was “in control” at some point?
    4. What part of “NO” strikes you as vague?
    Some CHRISTIAN….Your savior is ashamed of you…and rightly so.

  • Dumb Is No Excuse

    A few hours ago, they arrested a man in Newark Airport for carrying a loaded gun in his carry on luggage. He claims that he “forgot” it was in there.


    I claim that anyone that “forgetful” should not be in possession of a firearm.

    People were not allowed to carry NAIL CLIPPERS for years after 9-11.

    You still can’t carry a bottle of water on a plane. Or into an amusement park…or a court house.

    Anyone THAT stupid or mentally impaired should NOT be near a gun.

    It’s not like keys, or your wallet. It’s something that can fire and KILL someone.

    And anyone who had a problem with it is BULLSHIT when they say that they support “lawful use” of guns…because this WASN’T.

  • Private Business…

    Information that YOU DON’T POST ON THE NET, unless you are a child, or a congenital idiot.


    What part of that is vague?

  • An Open Letter To The GOP

    Hi guys.


    I know you’re all pretty darned shaken, since your most mediocre (and please…don’t tell me Romney was your “best and brightest”, he simply had the thickest wallet.) did not succeed in ousting Obama. Usually after a defeat, there is introspection, and retrospection—a real examination of what went wrong. But instead, there has been this AWFUL public display of poor sportsmanship. I’ve seen FIVE YEAR OLDS react better to losing a round of Candy-land. And last week, one of your gurus suggested the GOP had a “messaging” problem. No…we heard you…loud and clear. It was just that the message SUCKED. No, we don’t want “free stuff”. But with so many people trying to keep heart and soul together during an employment crisis, we need to know why y’all think the upper management DESERVE to earn hundred of times more than their rank and file. We don’t understand why you persist in believing that the working poor and middle class are DOING something wrong, and deserve their poverty…and they DO work hard. Suggesting otherwise is arrogant…to say the least. We question why you persist in believing that the “playing field” is level…and “anyone has the same shot”, when clearly that has been untrue for years.

    We’ve watched as thousands upon thousands of mid level jobs LEFT our shores…only to have you crown the people who sent them “Job makers”. The idea is to make jobs HERE…not Bangladesh. The concept is not to accuse us on “not being competitive” with a wage of sixty cents an hour.  We are not lazy people…so stop calling us that. Oh…and you might put a sock in it about contraception. If you want to stop abortion, contraception is the best way. And demonizing women on one hand for having babies, then condemning them for getting abortions? Well you’re starting to sound foolish, guys. And having a senate panel on contraception that didn’t include women? Backing that moron who insisted that women have magic hoohoos that “can shut down rape babies”?

    Guys…you have to cut the dead wood. When one of the flock says something STUPID, untrue, and embarrassing, you pull their membership from the club. You are no longer perceived as being intelligent, but conservative. A decade of Palin kissing, and pandering to tin hat idiots has left you looking WAY stupid. Oh yeah…and I hate to tell you this, but Reagan DIED. That wonderful hay day is long over…and even Ronnie would not have recognized what the party has become. You spent FOUR years trying to “wait out” Obama. You could have run almost anyone…other than Mitt Romney or the Klown Kar of insanity  he outlasted, and won. I asked then where the hell the Varsity was…time and again. I wasn’t being bitchy…I was asking a serious question.  And the answer was…crickets.

    That was it? Where is your brain trust? They called Newt Gingrich the party INTELLECTUAL…and I thought it was Jon Stewart, pulling our leg.


    But no…you meant it.

    A few things could help you rebuild.

    •Stop ignoring math and science.

    •Stop pretending women and minorities don’t vote.

    •Understand that Americans ALL work hard…not just the one’s who OWN the companies.

    •Pay attention to stuff that’s EASY to predict…like the coming disaster with student loans—and try to deal with it NOW…before it cripples another generation financially.

    •Look AHEAD…and stop worrying about the PACS…they aren’t going away…even if you actually DO YOUR job.

    •Don’t say something you actually don’t BELIEVE…save the fetus and starve the child are diametrically opposed concepts. If you take that stance, we will assume you are idiots.

    •Stop pretending that “business as usual” is some sort of plan for the future. The market melt down of 2008 showed us that Business is capable of HUGELY stupid decisions…and corporations really AREN’T people.


    So…if you really want a shot at staying in the game…stop talking, and start THINKING. We got your message…and it was rejected.

    Don’t offer us yesterday’s fish in today’s paper…we can smell the difference.


  • What He Took

    The first theft was music,
    in the form of song.
    I was cooking up a storm
    in our first house,
    singing along with a fave.
    He walked in,
    ignored my cheek
    and walked upstairs
    flipping the dial
    to “something that didn’t
    sound like crap.”
    The song died in my throat,
    and it was years
    before I understood
    that I never sang again
    where he could hear.

    The next thing was joy,
    in the guise of
    “Christ woman,
    how can you wake up
    so damned chipper?”
    Followed by a chorus of
    “you know when you laugh
    like that, people look at you funny.”
    And i strangled the giggle
    rather than endure the stare
    that said I was a loon.

    Then came speech—
    “haven’t you ever heard
    of companionable silence?”
    I had…but believed the meaning
    was that both parties
    were comfortable with it.
    Guess I was notional at 30.

    Then came sex—
    a chorus of “not like that”,
    or how come we can’t,
    and it would have been better if you,
    until I came to doubt
    the touch of my hands,
    the taste of my skin,
    and slightest flex of my hips,
    and only school girls needed
    to mess with kissing.
    Whatever was i thinking?

    And when I could not bear
    to give one more thing,
    when i said enough
    he looked at me with hard eyes,
    and demanded to know
    why I thought
    I had ever given him one thing
    he ever needed.

    But that was all he took.

  • Two FEET, if you please…

    So the cars are strategically parked, allowing maximum plow potential, and back where i used to live they are fretting over six inches…HA!

    But i am guessing people are at the Shop Rite, freaking out and buying CASES of toilet paper.

    No…not being catty…I’ve seen it!

  • Christie, Size, And Gender Issues

    If you’ve ever heard of NJ’s governor,you probably noticed that he’s…well…kind of big.

    No, I don’t mean his ego—though clearly they need a chopper to carry THAT around too. And no, this isn’t a “hate piece” about his weight. I just find myself wondering why it’s ok for a man who had admitted to being 550 pounds to be elected to a major position in government, when women as little as 50 pounds overweight are being fat shamed.

    When it comes to size, we have a gender problem.

    When he was first running, I found myself asking if they would have run a woman for governor who was even HALF his size…and while there are a few hefty women in politics, local or national not a SINGLE one is near Christie’s bulk. I’m taking a bet that they are not within 200 pounds of him…and The question I must ask is why?

    Because fat shaming is overwhelmingly directed at women. No…I’m not saying people don’t make fun of the man. But he made it to GOVERNOR. They actually offered him as an option. He was not shunted to some dark dank corner, so no one would have to look at him. Sure…he’s large…but people did not doubt his ability to run an entire state…they even considered him for President, and vice president. But a woman of even 300 pounds? GOD FORBID. You shameful pig! Obviously you aren’t able to do anything but eat. We let people not hire them—and cite “health issues”. Well that cuts both ways. If a woman can be denied a job for being overweight, that same standard should apply to men.

    But somehow…it doesn’t…as demonstrated by CC. I’ve read of case after case where companies and corporations got away with either firing, or not hiring people who didn’t meet their standard for “corporate appearance”. Usually, it’s women who get caught in it. The other day, a doctor speculated out loud that there was an excellent chance that Christie could die in office…based on his weight. UPROAR. The remarks are stunning. Some suggest she violated his HIPPA rights. Ummmm….no. She did not steal his medical records…nor did she quote from them. She merely made an observation….one most of the late night hosts have been commenting on for years. (And before you go there, I remind you that despite the jokes, he was STILL elected. A woman would have NEVER been considered.)

    And I am not doubting that this IS a health issue too…I’m just wondering what gives us the right to loathe and dismiss overweight women, while accepting men to the point of allowing them to LEAD us, even when they are WAY beyond morbidly obese.

    I had the chance to meet Deborah Allen, when I was advocating for kids in Trenton…a smart, dynamic lady, with years in the State House. I remember when she was a “talking head’ on Philadelphia TV news…and then they canned her over her appearance. That led to a law suit…which she won. When I met her, she was by my guess about a size 20—and in her late 50′s. She’s smart…she speaks well. She’s damned impressive, even if I am not 100 percent with her on EVERY issue. And I wondered that day why SHE wasn’t being run. We’d had a female Governor before…so why was she less desirable as a candidate than Christie…who had ZERO state house experience?

    Oh yeah…he’s a GUY.

    I am just amazed how often we manage to ignore the obvious…




  • Breast Wishes

    If you are a woman, or just love one, please share THIS link.



    Done with humor, it’s still an important topic, that can literally be a life saver!

  • Garmin Is The Worst.

    SO…about the GARMIN GPS…the one I bought six months ago?

    POS is closer to the mark. It started working wonky about two weeks back…refusing to charge, when I turned it on…then turning itself off abruptly. Meg nicely helped me get a new wire…but it kept saying it had “lost power” even when it was plugged in.

    So I called Garmin…and talked to their “helpful staff”.

    “Well Ma’am…you need a map update!”

    Um. I am not IT…nor a genius with electronics…but this seemed like a POWER ISSUE…which is hardware Bint…not “software”. But we tried to hook the @#%$^( thing up to Desi’s computer…and it would not charge, take the update, or anything else. For all intents and purposes, it is now a ROCK.

    The one I bought three years ago was a solid unit—never any issues—UNTIL they decided I needed to pay for the “map update”. Now they are made to barely last a year. And I BABIED that thing. I carried it in my bag—kept it protected from the cold…never dropped it, or abused it in any way.
    I read up on it online—and it’s a common problem with Garmin lately. If you need to replace the battery, it will cost you $89.00. I paid a 100 for the damned thing six months ago…so I am NOT replacing the battery for 90. A friend sent me an Amazon card for Christmas…which I just used to get a new MAGELLAN…the reviews on that one were consistent. Even the people who didn’t rave gave it a solid three stars. Garmin and Tom Tom went down to one….and the last thing I need is a NOTIONAL GPS…so…word to the wise…Skip Garmin…once they may have rocked…but now they are junk.