March 29, 2013

  • Props To Payless…For Saving Me From ONLINE Order Hell

    If you order things online, it can save time, money, aggravation…it even saves GAS, because you don’t have to drive somewhere to get what you need.


    In caps. Italics…bold print…if it FAILS…you could be looking at a season in online HELL.

    It’s been my experience that returns, credits, etc can be freaking awful.

    If something doesn’t work, they send you the manufacturer…who usually has customer service from Sri Lanka. And despite their limited ability to communicate with you, they are all Junior Lawyers, searching for a reason to negate the warranty. In the mean time, you have paid out money, have NO product, and if you are REALLY lucky, can get your refund in 2-3 weeks. (ABSURD…since they can do it electronically. The rule of thumb is a second to draw from your account, but weeks to refund.)

    Hey…I like a joke as much as the next guy…but NOT where my shekels are concerned.


    Now in a perfect world, there would be no screw ups…no mistakes. (And in a perfect world, Hugh Jackman would be doing my yard work, Colin Firth could be my husband(could listen to him ALL day and night) and Jeffrey Dean Morgan would be my love slave, happy to fetch me tidbits, and rub my feet. but I digress. In an efficient world, I am even willing to give them a whole TEN minutes to replace the money they removed in the blink of an eye. But weeks? No. But I have learned not to expect perfect. And I have also learned to be more impressed by how you are treated when something goes wrong—which can tell you a LOT about the company.

    So Desi bought a pair of sneaks in the Fall. She is HARD to buy footwear for. One, she has…well…HORRIBLE taste in shoes (Gay Israeli women who are dock workers would reject her usual choices as “too butch”.) Second, she has LARGE wide feet. Third…she can’t stand anything too tight, too binding, and she hates constantly tying her laces. So when she found a PERFECT pair of shoes, I had to see if they STILL existed. Since she found the first ones at Payless, I logged in, and checked it out.

    Oh. MY. GOD.

    They had them…on sale. In her size. Half the price.

    So being the wise mom I am, I ordered TWO pair. I noticed they had a free shipping option…if you had them shipped to a store near you. It so happens the Payless is halfway between Ipswich and Salem. BOOOYAH! So I order it, arrange all the particulars…and wait. And wait. And…you get the picture?


    So I am supposed to see Desi today, and she asked about her sneakers. (The original pair is now in sad repair…since she wore them almost every day for MONTHS.) I look up the order…no alerts. So I called customer service, wondering how I will deal with Sri Lankan…and I get…AMERICANS. That threw me for a loop…but hot damn! So I explain the problem. They suggest that I might call the local store first…which to be fair, was a thought. I do so. The young lady there was bright, and polite. She was a sweetheart…took the order number, tried to find it…then came back on to explain that it was turning up oddly on the computer.

    Oh SHIT, thinks I.

    She asked if she could try to get the company, and call me back. (By now, I am expecting ye-olde-run-around, and have already begun to mourn the lost sneakers.) I agree. She hangs up. And to ease my boredom, I CALLED the company myself. I got through to another nice person…who tried to fix thing from her end, and also offered to call me back. Apparently the sneaks had been shipped…somewhere ELSE. Not even close to here. The word Michigan was mentioned. Michigan? I looked the order up again…no…I did say Massachusetts. But hey…they both start with a capital “M”. And they have vowels. An honest mistake. Sort of.


    Well, she WASN’T kidding. She called me back, and said they would be willing to route the shoes BACK here…to my home addy, no extra charge. Sounds like a plan. I was getting ready to call the local store, when the phone rang again. It was my local Payless. The girl felt so badly, she checked their stock…and Rock Me Sexy Jesus…they had TWO pairs of them in the color and size Desi needed. Should she put them aside? GOD yes! I hang up…the phone rings again. It’s online customer service. They spoke to the store (already) and arranged for an account credit…so I would have to pay for the sneaks again.

    I was polite. but I went slightly nuts. Money is tight around here. I didn’t have 30 bucks to loan them for three weeks. I said that…she asked me for a moment to consult her supervisor, then came back and said they had worked it out. I could pick the sneaks up today…at the store they were supposed to be at…no additional charge. Now you might think this all convoluted…but I found it a SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE EXPERIENCE. Let me explain. This was a comedy of errors, no doubting that. But when I reached out, I found not one but TWO different employees, interested in helping me fix the problem. NO brush off. No, “I’m so sorry you got screwed, have a nice day!” And they worked in tandem, until it was fixed.

    So thank you Payless. You’ve earned my shekels…and my praise. i WILL be using you again!


Comments (11)

  • this was the most entertaining review i have ever read. bravo or is it brava

    at any rate, i too get goose-pimply when i get someone on the phone who really wants to help me. oh my gosh, i think to myself, i want to invite you over for dinner

  • Gay Israeli women who are dock workers would reject her usual choices as “too butch”

    I have laughed and laughed.

  • @bonmots - Thanks sweetie…I made sure I talked to the online lady supervisor, sent a copy of the link to the corporate office, and printed up a copy to give the young lady when we pick up the shoes!

  • @galadrial - that’s a very cool thing to do

  • @aSeriesofFortunateEvents - It’s the only way to describe her taste…I swear.
    Anything remotely decorative—say docker siders? TOO FRILLY!

  • @bonmots - No sweetie…it’s the RIGHT thing to do. People bitch like crazy when something is wrong…but one in a hundred think to say Thanks…or great job! I think it pays to let people know when they have been wonderful…ya know?

  • My daddy taught me that lesson…I have been known to give 100% tips at restaurants if I have a hard working waiter/ess that even tries to be nice during a busy time. Many are working their way through college/grad school like me. It is HARD to be a student in this economy and it SUCKS to be working your way through, unable to take the internships that make one stand out. Sometimes you may not have been great, but if my Daddy sensed you were having a bad day, he would call over the manager and make himself known that you were the best worker he had ever met. I try to do the same. If I have a little extra, I try to use it to brighten someone’s day, if I know they want something they can’t afford, I will buy it. We are all family on this planet. If I can make a day brighter for someone, it makes me happy! 

  • Hello there! I didn’t get to see you today because I had gone on my break. I wanted to thank you very very much for all of the patience and kindness you shared with me and I appreciate you going out of your way to let my supervisors know how happy you were with today’s experience. When I got your letter I couldn’t stop beaming for an hour – it made me very happy that, with the help of my CSC representative, we made your day and your daughter’s feet feel a lot better. 

    Thank you so much.

  • @LoveSneaks - Ok…so very cool! And you deserved it…so good on ya! (For my friends, Love Sneaks is the lovely lady who found the shoes we needed. Did you get the M&M’s too? :) )

  • I certainly did! It was an important factor in my mental health yesterday. :P

  • @LoveSneaks - Sorry i didn’t get the chance to thank you personally…I’ve worked a lot of different jobs, and retail was always grueling…but I wanted you to know you were truly appreciated!

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