March 22, 2013

  • My List Of Crap

    Otherwise known as “Things I Hate”:


    1. People who lack empathy. “Oh you have weight issues? I eat anything I want…and am a size 2.”

    (That’s called genetics, sweetcakes…it’s not virtue on your part.) Or, “Oh your child has issues with math, reading etc? I NEVER had that because I home schooled, and am such a great Christian..” (Bullshit. You lucked. But do rub it in to someone else who didn’t. I’m sure Jesus will love you for it.)


    2. Trolls. You can almost smell them from their posts. They just love attention, so they post things to provoke a response—period.


    3. People who use opinions in debate. I don’t care what your heart, your gut, or the lint in your bellybutton tells you. If it’s not factual, it’s opinion, and unsupported. Get the hell out of here. The GROWN UPS are talking.


    4. Statements of ignorance, occasionally framed as questions. “Why don’t people just get JOBS? Or go to college? Or take CARE of themselves?” Answer…because jobs are scarce in a lot of places these days, and college and “taking care” takes MONEY, you spoiled brat. When people have to choose between rent and dental care, rent is going to win.


    5. Obsessive Consumption/fixation. Shoes for instance. Who the hell CARES? Anyone who would spend a month of rent on a pair of shoes is out of their fucking minds…period. Anyone who would hock their future for a “sweet ride”, ditto. If you are Imelda Marcos in your dreams, dandy…but spare me the latest pics of your footwear…feet are not my thing.


    6.Statements of “concern” that are really just an excuse to bitch or whine. “Well ,People who smoke raise insurance costs for the rest of us.” (or insert other vice).

    Breathing raises insurance costs. Insurance companies get 25 percent on their money, minimum, year in and out…so it’s a good bet that THEY make it more expensive for the rest of us. When someone is talking about “them”, it’s usually just a way to proclaim your OWN virtue…(I.e. I don’t do that…so I am BETTER.)


    7. People who insist on simple answers to COMPLEX questions. Cut me a break. If the answer was simple, it would have been thought of. There’s a huge difference between letting the air out a trucks tires to free it from a bridge, and providing decent education to millions of school kids. When a system is broken, you need to REPLACE it…not slap a band aid on it…but we miss that point over and over.


    8. People who insist that other people are “bad drivers” because they don’t drive like they do…usually aggressive as all hell,no respect for lanes, no signals—and FAST. I have been permanently injured TWICE…by “bad drivers”. The most those asshats had to put up with was an increase in their insurance rates. Cry me a RIVER…I had spinal surgery TWICE. I lost my mobility for over a decade…and was deprived of a lot of “good years” that I ended up fighting the insurance industry getting treatment—instead of enjoying it with my family. I don’t mind GOOD drivers who go fast…but the bobbers and weavers drive me nuts.


    9. Those who demand religious tolerance of THEIR beliefs…but mock, denigrate and ignore the religious freedom OTHERS are allowed to enjoy. If you believe, lovely. That’s your right. But unless I specifically ASK for your tracts, speeches, or information, back the HELL off. No one was ever “tricked” into loving Jesus.


    10. If you have a food fixation, pretty please…don’t share? I wish I had a dime for every time someone tried to explain how WONDERFUL soy was…how green…how cruelty free…and how positively USELESS to someone like me…who can’t digest it? I can’t eat artificial sweeteners either…so don’t suggest Splenda or NutraSweet. I am allergic to Tequila…so agave nectar would be on my “HELL NO” list. (Agave being one of the main ingredients in it.) Let’s make a deal. I will assume you are a GROWN UP, and know what you can safely eat, and you’ll do the same for me…K?

Comments (11)

  •  i need to come back later for this. but i love it so far. you got me at people who lack empathy

  • These needed to be said.  Re: #4- Someone said to me: “Screw paying rent.  You have a tent.” Well- Cute doesn’t cut it.  I like my tent- for camping trips. Also, my landlord is my FIL, who is one of the finest men I’ve ever known- so I think I will continue to pay rent.

  • As my parents usually say, common sense isn’t very common.

  • Well said Lisa. About the jobs….. so very true. 

  • If people were only allowed to share the facts, the silence would be unbearable.

  • Good list of crap. I’m unhappily astounded by the number of people lacking in empathy. 

    I stopped briefly one day outside the Federal Courthouse in Manhattan because there was a rather large crowd standing on the steps. I knew Imelda Marcos was standing trial inside. A man stopped next to me and asked if they, meaning the crowd, were all reporters. I answered, they’re probably shoe sale people. Got a chuckle out of him.

    There are people who develop opinions based on facts. There are others who develop facts based on what they want to believe.  

  • I have to agree with the Dude’s last statement.

  • lack of empathy–insensitive assholes. i was astounded once when my mother in-law (though i do love her) said to me, how come you get depressed? i have never ever gotten depressed.

    uhm, good for you?

    opinions in debates–i’m beginning to understand why conservatives refuse to be persuaded when faced with scientific findings–they just don’t want to. period. their opinion is good enough as a fact in an argument. there is nothing we can say to convince them. we’re pretty much wasting our time and energy. though sometimes the exercise can be fun. moot but fun.

  • Supposedly this world is full of give and take. Then there are those that grudgingly give and greedily take.

    At times those that grudgingly give can be good companions. However their lack of willingly give can make you too cautious.

    Alas the act of willingly giving can make you prey to the greedy. I was just reading that someone was willing to clean the communal apartment and they are just enabling trashy roomates.

    I didn’t know there was such a thing as allergy to tequila’s agave. Then again fortunately for those allergic to peanut products there is no alcohol counterpart.

    Michele Bachman’s political soapbox stand was highlighted this week. You would think despite the contrary women with a caesarian would be happy that Obama Care will cover them. Michele Bachman is trying every trick in the book for us to have the same stupid medical coverage.
    The same stupid medical care was getting more expensive and more and more people were dying because they didn’t have health coverage.

  • @galadrial -  I totally agree with 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, and 9, especially 4.

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